My father would get ill
Never thought it was a big deal
But I was wrong
In less than an hour thinks got critical
In a flash he was in the hospital
Worried in my head
I thought it would be the end
He wasn’t getting better
I really didn’t know what was going
I was small so the only thing that I knew was that my father was sick
But I knew for a fact I didn’t want to live without a father
This didn’t last a short time
So I never saw my parents
It was a hard time for me
But not much I could do
My dad finally came back
I thought it was all good
I was wrong
In my head I thought when this would be over
I was not the happiest person
But I would never let it show
I would not let people see my pain
Just let them see my smile
We finally got out of this mess
After a year being in this mess
I finally know it not good bye
But its hello again
But in my head there a feeling
That in any second it may be the end
But the only thing I can do is
Appreciate that he’s here today